
A Leading Global Manufacturer of Cable Systems

ZTT specializes in producing a full range of antenna products, including base station antenna, camouflaged antenna, and indoor distribution antenna, and also providing system solutions. The products and solutions have been widely applied by China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom, and other overseas communication operators.

Design & Construction

ZTT’s antenna is a equipment, which can effectively radiate electromagnetic wave to a certain direction or receive a certain direction electromagnetic wave, with high gain and good sector pattern, small rear petals, convenient control for angle of depression on vertical direction, reliable sealing performance and long service life.


With the accelerating of 4G development, antenna made by ZTT can meet the requirements of communication technology for new generation, meeting the network construction requirements of each operator all over the world, with very fast delivery time. ZTT now focus on researching 5G antenna and related products.

Reference Standards

The products meet the international standard IEC 60489-8 and can be manufactured according to different operators’ technical and construction requirements.

Types & Purposes

Excellent technical performance for antenna acc. to IEC 60489-8 std.

-Outdoor base station, indoor building, public facilities.

-Places where good communication signals are required for FTTA system.


ZTT antenna has high gain and good sector pattern, small rear petals, convenient control for angle of depression on vertical direction, reliable sealing performance and long service life.



Have a combination of 2G, 3G, 4G band, can reduce the number of base station antenna, at the construction of 4G, can share a pair of antenna.


People's panic for the antenna's radiation performance, building the base station antenna in residential building is more and more difficulty, so the antenna also tends to make it meet ordinary goods, to eliminate panic for the residents in some region.


Cramp iron on base station bearing capacity is limited, the antenna should be developed on the direction of miniaturization.

Main Partner


Product Catalogues

XM2502160003—1.ZTT-2 20W SISO Omni Antenna(698-3500MHz)
XM2502160003—2. ZTT-2 20W SISO Omni Antenna(698-3500MHz)
8-Port,Small Panel Antenna
20-Port,Green Sector Antenna,Integrated RET
4-Port,Spotlight Antenna
16-Port,X-Pol,FDD&TDD Antenna
8-Port,X-Pol,TDD Antenna
4-Port,X-Pol,Dual band Green Antenna, 2×1710-2170MHz, 18dBi, Integrated RET
BZ24P651215_Specification for AISG CABLE.pdf.pdf
BZ24P651215_Technical Specification 6 port Antenna_ZTT
BZ24P651215_3D Pattern 6 port Antenna_ZTT.pdf
BZ24P651215_2D Pattern 6 port Antenna_ZTT.pdf
BZ24P651215_Instruction for Installation 6 port Antenna_ZTT.pdf
BZ24P651215_Install Accessories 6 port Antenna_ZTT.pdf
19、ZTT-Triple Band Combiner(698-2700MHz)
18、ZTT-Penta Band Combiner(698-3800MHz)
16-17、ZTT-3 4-way Splitter(698-3800MHz)
14、ZTT-Spec. for Connector-50-9
7-12、15、ZTT-Spec. for Connector-50-22
6、13、ZTT-Spec. for Connector-50-12
5、ZTT-Spec.for HCTAYZ-50-22
4、ZTT-Spec.for HHTAYZ-50-21
3、ZTT-Spec.for HCAAYZ-50-12
2、ZTT-Panel Antenna(698-3800MHz)
1、ZTT-Omni Antenna(698-3800MHz)