ZTT’s New-type LCC Supported First China’s 5G Coverage for Subway Tunnel

2019/5/30 17:16:16 人评论 次浏览


Recently, China Tower (Henan) pioneered and tackled 5G coverage problem of 3.5 GHz frequency band for the subway tunnel of Zhengzhou Subway Line 5, which became the first subway line in China to realize full coverage of 5G signals from operators including China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom. The 5/4 new-type leaky coaxial cable for 5G Communication provided by ZTT was the most important carrier for 5G signal transmission and emission of this project.


It was understood that extremely high requirements was imposed on the communication signal for the subway due to heavy stream of people and confined space. It had become a major technical problem in the industry and the world to achieve 5G network coverage in the subway; while traditional 13/8 leaky coaxial cable subway coverage solution failed to support 5G coverage within the 3.5 GHz frequency band ". The 5/4 new 5G cable of ZTT solved the problem of 5G signal transmission concurrently compatible with China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom through special treatment on the leaky slot hole. According to the field test, the average download rate of 5G signal in the subway station hit 700 Mbps or above, and the download rate of 5G signal for carriage in the tunnel during running hit 630 Mbps or above (the download rate of 5G signal for dual-cable arrangement and subsequent four-cable arrangement might hit 1 Gbps).


To seize the advantage and opportunity for the development of 5G Communication, ZTT initiated the breakthrough, research and development of new products and solutions for 5G Communication in the era of 4G Communication, and conducted the industrialization layout for 5G Communication on a global scale. ZTT successively developed products including the “5G leaky wide-angle radial chamber-type coaxial cable”, “5G optical fiber composite cable ” and “5GHz frequency band flexible waveguide cable”, in which the “5G leaky wide-angle radial chamber-type coaxial cable” and “5GHz frequency band flexible waveguide cable for ” have passed the authentication of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, and the comprehensive technical performance came up to internationally leading level.

The successful implementation and verification of coverage solution for 5G Communication in Zhengzhou Subway Line 5 was a breakthrough innovation, providing real and reliable reference for subsequent construction of 5G Communication for subways in China and across the world. ZTT will continue to adhere to the innovation, focus on quality, deepen the global layout for 5G Communication with higher-end products and better service, follow the philosophy of "customer-oriented", and firmly seize "business opportunities for 5G" , and embrace the approach of the 5G era.