ZTT Further Advanced with Champion Income amid 2018 Top 500 Listed Companies

2019/5/20 17:17:20 人评论 次浏览


May 7, 2019

Presently, the list of Top 500 listed companies in 2018 was unveiled with the end of annual report. ZTT ranked the 279th place with the income of 33.9 billion Yuan, rocketing by 12th when compared to that in previous year.

The list, published on www.eastmoney.com, was referenced to annual revenue with statistics range covering all A-shares, H-shares, red-chip stocks, Hong Kong-listed stocks within main businesses in the Mainland and China concept stocks listed in the United States.

ZTT realized the operating income of 33.924 billion Yuan in 2018 with the growth rate of 25.27% on year-on-year basis, the total marketing volume ranking the first place in the wire & cable industry and net profit in 2.13 billion Yuan with year-on-year growth rate of 18.86% according to the annual report, ranking the second place in the industry. The quarterly report of ZTT in 2019 also showed the income and net profit of ZTT continued leading the counterparts, and the development momentum of ZTT remained growth.


It was not unexpected to achieve so great performance. In 2018, ZTT aimed at “high-end orientation, refined and intelligent development” under the guidance of the idea of “Global allocation of economic space for more qualitative growth”, worked on the development of “Precision and intelligent manufacturing”, and constantly initiated in-depth development of new products, occupying the market with the novelty and uniqueness, attracting and serving customers; Meanwhile, ZTT further accelerated overseas layout, started the factory in Indonesia in 2018, put the second phase of the plant in India into production, launched the construction of the factory in Morocco, and acquired the high-voltage cable factory in Turkey, effectively boosting the growth of ZTT' s overseas income with the release of the production capacity of such overseas companies.

In 2019, ZTT will continue to seize favorable policies and market opportunities, take customers as the focus and the innovation as the guide, delivering satisfactory answer to all walks of the society.