ZTT Australia visited Eyre Peninsula Link Project

2022/9/13 13:35:14 人评论 次浏览


Following the successful execution of contract with Downer for the supply of Conductor and OPGW for the ElectraNet Pty Ltd Eyre Peninsula Link Project, ZTT Australia Pty Ltd recently had the honour of visiting the site to witness the helicopter stringing work. We are so glad to hear some positive feedback on our product quality and delivery from the project team at site.

Eyre Peninsula Link involves the construction of a new 270km double-circuit 132 kV transmission line from Cultana to Port Lincoln, via Yadnarie, with the ability to upgrade the Cultana to Yadnarie section to 275 kV at a later date. 

The new line will provide homes and businesses throughout the Eyre Peninsula with a secure and reliable power supply. Other benefits of the project include:

✔Increasing capacity to connect more users to the electricity network

✔Enabling new renewable energy projects to connect in the future

✔Opportunity to extend the network in future