Brand Finance: ZTT Ranked among Globally Top 10 Telecom Infrastructure Brands

2020/4/20 16:15:33 人评论 次浏览


Recently, Brand Finance (British brand financial advisor), a well-known brand evaluation agency in the UK, released their annual report of Telecom 150 2020. The report listed the top ten most valuable and powerful telecom infrastructure brands worldwide, in which ZTT was both selected and concurrently ranked the 8th place in both lists.


It was worth mentioning that Chinese brands earned 4 seats in the list of globally Top 10 telecom infrastructure brands, and ZTT ranked globally Top 10 brands for the first time in addition to Huawei and ZTE, not only strengthening the power of Chinese telecom infrastructures in international arena to win honors for motherland but also marking the leading position of ZTT' s comprehensive strength in the same industry, and the brand influence and international popularity of ZTT was recognized globally.

Nowadays, ZTT has been capable of providing infrastructures and services including the preform-optical fiber- fiber optical cable, device, antenna feeder, network equipment, terminal and system integration for the setup of 5G network with respect to multiple dimensions involving the cloud platform, industry application and intelligent terminal, and has become the only business in the industry to initiate the innovation partnership with three operators including China Telecom, China Mobile and China Tower, and ZTT also made phased progress in the cooperation in terms of the platform setup and application pilots for industrial Internet identification and submarine cable plant for 5G.


Prospectively, ZTT will continue strengthening cooperation with telecom operators, research institutions and relevant businesses, actively promote collaborative innovations in the industrial chain, assume due responsibilities in building an intelligent world of Internet of Everything, properly work on the brand cultivation, strive to catch up and surpass, enabling ZTT to step higher level and further move forwards on the way to global brand pursuit.

It is said that Brand Finance is a global independent third-party brand value assessment and advisory body, and the royalty relief method, brand valuation method in compliance with the industry standard ISO 10668, is used to estimate the value of the brand in the ranking list.