Milestone! ZTT Indonesia Held Opening Ceremony

2018/9/29 0:00:00 人评论 次浏览


On September 25, 2018, the opening ceremony of PT ZTT Cable Indonesia (referred to as ZTT Indonesia) was held in Suryacipta Park in Karawang, West Java. Approximately 300 guests including Airlangga Hartanto, the minister of Indonesian National Industry Department, Wang Liping, the minister-counselor of the People's Republic of China in Indonesia, Xue Jiping, the chairman of ZTT Group, Qu Zhi, deputy general manager of ZTT and Ye Zhifeng, general manager of ZTT Indonesia attended the opening ceremony.


ZTT Indonesia, covering an area of36,000 square meters, mainly produces communication and power related products required for the construction of infrastructures in Indonesia, and the company is committed to providing better products and accessories with shorter lead time and more comprehensive service to customers around the world.

At the opening ceremony, Airlangga Hartanto, the minister of Indonesian National Industry Department, Wang Liping, the minister-counselor of the People's Republic in Indonesia, Xue Jiping, the chairman of ZTT Group, and Ye Zhifeng, general manager of ZTT Indonesia, delivered speeches and hosted the ribbon-cutting ceremony.


The minister Airlangga Hartanto and Wang Liping presented great wishes to ZTT Indonesia and hoped it could fully utilize the advantages of the company in the industry, comprehensively drive the development of communications and power industry of Indonesia, and effectively improve the infrastructure construction capacity of Indonesia.


Speech of Airlangga Hartanto, the minister of Indonesian National Industry Department


Speech of Wang Liping, the minister-counselor of the People's Republic in Indonesia

Xue Jiping, the chairman of ZTT Group hoped ZTT Indonesia, as the largest overseas investment company of ZTT Group, could deepen the local market of Indonesia and constantly expand the coverage to neighboring countries and regions of Indonesia, fully boosting its international reputation and brand influence.


Speech of Xue Jiping, the chairman of ZTT Group

Ye Zhifeng, the general manager of ZTT Indonesia extended his sincere gratitude to all the guests who attended the ceremony. He said, we got powerful supports and assistance from all levels of government and cooperative entities in Indonesia during the preparation process of ZTT Indonesia, and hoped to have further cooperation and joint efforts to build ZTT Indonesia into brilliant local business in the coming operations of the company.


Additionally, the opening ceremony of ZTT Indonesia was greatly blended with national cultures of China and Indonesia. The celebrations included both traditional Chinese lion dance and Indonesian national dance, demonstrating pleasing and peaceful atmosphere.


In the meantime, ZTT Indonesia also organized the guests attending the opening ceremony to visit the production workshop, and showed its advanced technology and production capacity. Approximately 40 local media agencies in Indonesia reported the opening ceremony.