Vice-Premier of Uzbekistan Friendly Meeting with ZTT

2017/6/23 0:00:00 人评论 次浏览



18 June 2017, ZTT Group - leading global manufacturer of cable systems, came to Uzbekistan, accompanying with Mr. Chen Zhenning (Vice-Governor of Jiangsu province) for the business activities to further implement China’s strategy “One Belt, One Road” and speed up Chinese enterprises “Going Abroad” pace.

Paying more attention to the business activities of Jiangsu trade and economic delegation, Uzbekistan government held the thematic conference to promote Jizzakh industrial park. Kuchkarov - Vice-Premier of Uzbekistan, Akhmedkhadjaev and Burmashev - Chairman and Vice-Chairman of Uzbekistan Investment Committee attended and had a friendly meeting with Xue Chi - President of ZTT.

Xue Chi, expressed that “One Belt, One Road” developing strategy has created favorable conditions for the companies “Going Abroad”; Meanwhile the development of Uzbekistan has also brought new opportunities for market expansion of the companies. During the promotion of the construction for the Jizzakh industrial park, ZTT wishes to look for more investment opportunities with deeper level and more fields, and get continued support from Uzbekistan government in enterprise investment.

As the China’s first batch of “Going Abroad” advanced manufacturing enterprise, ZTT has established the joint venture - ZTT TELEKOM JV LLC, and mainly focused on the manufacturing of telecom optical fiber cable, distribution box and so forth, which becomes the key point of ZTT international operation and participation in the strategy of internationalized competition.