ZTT Over 1 Billion Major Projects Settles Down in Rudong

2017/3/11 0:00:00 人评论 次浏览


Nantong, February 28 2017, ZTT Group - leading global manufacturer of cable systems, had hold signing ceremony for two major projects over 1 billion CNY settling down in Rudong. Mr. Xue Jiping, Director of ZTT and Mr. Pan Jianhua, Rudong party secretary, attended the signing ceremony.
Mr. Pan Jianhua, has expressed sincere thanks to ZTT’s strong support to its hometown-Rudong. He also said, ZTT had developed as Chinese bench-marking enterprise especially during this “economic new normal” period and ZTT was the pride of Rudong County, Nantong City and Jiangsu Province. He also pointed out that ZTT’s developing patterns provided referential example for the whole industrial enterprises.
Mr. Xue Jiping also expressed the heartfelt thanks to Rudong government’s persist support. ZTT would definitely increase the investment, accelerate the project’s development, extend the industrial chain to make ZTT bigger and stronger and make more contributions to Rudong’s economic development. 
As ZTT’s persist development these years, ZTT has boost more and more investment on Rudong. These two investing projects have high scientific and technological content, broad market prospect which assuredly promote the robust economic development of Rudong.