ZTT leaky coaxial cables progress urban rail transit into new times

2016/9/1 0:00:00 人评论 次浏览


ZTT is devoted to provide the professional solutions for signal coverage of urban rail transit. ZTT LTE-M leaky coaxial cable has combined with feeder transmission & antenna sending/receiving which perfectly solved the problem-radio field coverage in narrow enclosed space.
So far,ZTT leaky coaxial cable has successfully applied into over 20 cities, 94 subway routes with total achievement of 7,688 km.

China urban rail has initiated 12 bids in LTE-M routes, as national leading telecom system integrated enterprise, ZTT has made great achievements in winning 11 bids with 91.6% market share. What’s more, ZTT has organized leaky coaxial cable industry standard setting meeting, actively promoting the engineering application of leaky coaxial cable.