ZTT gets biggest conductor project from Indonesia Power Grid

2015/12/23 0:00:00 人评论 次浏览


Great news from ZTT Indonesia office-ZTT has signed the 500kV conductor contract with Indonesian State Power Corporation.

The conductor project is not only the first 500kV direct current transmission line, but also the biggest one for Indonesia State Power Corporation. What’s more, this is the biggest conductor project which Chinese conductor supplier gets from the local power grid with achieving total amount 160 million CNY.

ZTT has come into Indonesian market since 2006, we win the recognition and trust from the local customers with our great quality and brand effect. Most worthy of mention is ZTT OPGW products has always dominated the biggest marketing shares. In addition, ZTT fitting products also receives great approval from the customers.

This contract has profound significance in not simple about ZTT which makes great breakthrough in Indonesian conductor market; further more, it greatly strengthens ZTT brand effect in the international market.