ZTT Solar awards top 10 power station developer

2015/10/16 0:00:00 人评论 次浏览


Currently, the top ten photovoltaic enterprises evaluation“BJX 2015”aiming at commending the leading enterprises who makes outstanding contributions to national photovoltaic industry was hold in Beijing. 

ZTT solar is standing out from over 100 attending enterprises and awards “top 10 power station EPC and distributing power station developer”.

ZTT solar is committed to providing the OEM consultation, system integration, design and EPC for the photovoltaic power station projects.

ZTT solar project“key technology of smart micro-grid” has successfully attended “nation 863 plan” and achieved the developing advantage in becoming one of the national demonstration area for distributing PV station with its top ranking comprehensive implement index in photovoltaic industry.